Friday, June 29, 2007

When I’m dead, turn my rice bowl over.

Husband des’ with another grab-bag of observations and strange / odd occurrences...

Apparently in cemeteries, it is customary to take a person’s favorite rice bowl and teacup and turn them upside down on their monument. (No headstone, because there’s no body, just cremains.

Women here wear shoes that are too tall and cause them to walk pigeon toed and make my feet hurt just watching them. Oh wait, my feet hurt from all the walking we’re doing. But if we were just sitting around, my feet would hurt from watching them.

Think you’re good on a bike? Try riding in traffic, holding an umbrella in one hand and texting on your phone with the other. Dodging gaijin along the way.

Camera 1, Husband 0.  We`ve had our camera for 7 years, and I only just learned that you don't have to have the screen turned on to take a picture, just have the shutter in the front open. No wonder we've been going through batteries like crazy.

Coming out of the internet place the other day, I caught a guy trying to up-skirt photo the wife. I would have been mad and hurt the guy, except it was a SKORT dumbass. I probably should have taken his camera and dunked it in a cup of coffee, but I didn’t want to spend all night trying to explain to the cops why I broke his arm, when he’s the scumbag. He got nothing anyway.

I had heard that there were vending machines where you could get anything you wanted, from food, to CDs to porn to used underwear (still haven’t seen those yet), but yesterday we saw one with eggs. I’m not sure I want to get my eggs from a machine that sits out in the hot sun all day. Plus, won’t they break when they fall down the chute?

I read that it is good luck to throw a rock up on top of a Torii (gate to a Shinto shrine), so every time we go to one we give it a shot. Wife got one in Yamagata today and I’m still 0 for 4. Maybe next time I’ll get lucky.

When we’re about to do something difficult, we say we’re rolling up our shirtsleeves. The Japanese say they’re gonna tie on a headband. So if you see a Nihonjin with a headband, you know he’s getting’ some hard work done.

Remember, Jesus loves Ice cream (but Jesus hates chocolate). I saw it on a T-shirt, so it must be true!


  1. This is your affirmation that you guys are so friggin' interesting and funny and I doubt very much that you guys have time to be lonely. But I think you should have eaten the "FRIE" Jeff.


  2. If the kats are dead it's only on the inside, cuz they were pretty excited to see me Thursday. Reporting all's well.


  3. Hey guys - I so wish I was there. Ceilings have been scraped, 6 hours of sanding, 8 hours of taping, 3 hours of priming, many sore muscles and lots still to do. Oh, and Max is now afraid of the garage!

    I agree with Zach, it would have been good for you to eat the fry. Consider it character building! :)



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