Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Most Interesting Things in the Museum

That would be the two of us.

Wife here! (Jeff's watching Jiu-Jitsu videos on another computer ; )

We made a rainy day stop at the Sendai History Museum yesterday. Since our umbrella was wet, it wasn't allowed inside, so we stashed it in a big bucket with a bunch of other umbrellas and headed in.

Inside - chaos. Seems like every school kid under the age of 12 was in this museum - against their will. We got plenty of stares just for being gaijin, but then Jeff took down his ponytail and shook out his hair so that it could dry a little. Picture this: a dozen schoolgirls giggling and staring at the foreigner with shoulder length red hair. OMG. Then one of them got brave and said "Hi." We said "Hi." back. Giggles. Lots of 'em. They were all talking and giggling at once trying to practice their English on us. Then Jeff totally blew them away by answering them in Japanese. We could just see their little brains going into overload. We're betting they went back to school and told their friends: "I talked to the big scary red-headed gaijin and he talked back - in Japanese!"

After we were done with the museum, we went to retrieve our umbrella, only to find that the bucket where we'd left it was empty - the school kids had taken our umbrella along with theirs when they left! Had we been able to read, we`d have known that the buckets were for the visiting school kids and that the rest of the visitors had their own (locking) umbrella stand on the other side. That and we would still have ours. Oops.

1 comment:

  1. After all the comments Jeff made about not having an umbrella, serves you right!



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