Sunday, June 24, 2007


Wife here!

Food glorious food! There is soooo much to eat here it isn`t even funny. We`d heard people (other travelers) complain that they couldn`t get enough to eat here, but we`ve got the opposite problem. So much food, so little time : )

The options: grocery store (cheap and yummy), walkup noodle shops (also cheap and yummy); department stores (not so cheap, still yummy) and of course, restaurants (not cheap, probably yummy, but intimidating!) (Jeff here - not intimidating - never let them know you`re scared!)

Best. Soba. Ever. I really like soba (buckwheat noodles), Jeff, not so much, but even he really dug the noodles we had last night. Big bowl = 3000 yen (about 3 bux.) Cool ordering system: walk up to the console, put in your money, hit a button next to the picture of what you want, take your ticket, give it to the noodle dude (Irashaimase!), wait for your big-ass bowl of noodles and broth and stuff!, take it to the counter, say Itadakimas`! (more on that later), slurp, say Gochisosamadeshita! (again, more on that later), and bus your bowl back to the noodle guy.

More later! It`s time to P.O.S. (pack our stuff) for the move to the mansion!

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