Friday, July 6, 2007

Hell isn`t other people, it`s riding the train in Shikoku.

Japanese trains. Fast? OMFG yes. Will they get you there? Eventually.

This isn`t a big country, and yes, the trains go 190 mph. But they also stop at every station and can wait several minutes before moving again. Also, they don`t always go fast, since they have to slow back down to stop.

We spent an entire day just on Shikoku trying to get to the taga-jinja shrine. (Kinda like the Japanese version of the Phallological museum in Iceland if you know what I`m saying.) Anyway, it seemed like an eternity and let`s just say that is might have been worth the trip. Or it might not have. Kris Burns, you might owe Buddah some en!

1 comment:

  1. I let you know if I end up owing any yen, but as for now same as always. Thanks for trying for me. Kris


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